Archived Local Haunts on Locals
Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief • Television
Local Haunts is a television show created by Steve Christian which started airing on CW17 in Jacksonville Florida Sundays nights 2010. On Local Haunts, Steve Christian and spiritual medium Pamela Theresa investigate local paranormal hot spots for scientific evidence of paranormal activity. We take our work seriously, but we manage to have a lot of fun in the process and it reflects in our show. Now Steve Christian brings to you the world of the paranormal live, Local Haunts style.
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The Haunting of Hill House

I just finished watching this masterpiece again, for the 3rd time. It is refreshing to see a story and product from Hollywood that offers true insight into the Earthbound Realm. Mike Flanagan is truly a gifted story teller as well as clearly getting what is really going on spiritually. It demonstrates the dream like existence that many Earthbound Spirits dwell in. Is it a dream? A nightmare? Or reality? If you haven't seen it, watch it. Its on Netflix and so worth the time. It is filled with many OMG moments. Not because its scary, but because its brilliant. Scary is a perk.

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Enjoying football with Toby

So I'm sitting in the lobby area of our office at Neptune Beach while Pamela Theresa is in session with some clients in our office. I look up at the glass door and see a weird smudge on the glass that I had not noticed earlier. Doesn't it look like a creepy face was smashed up against the glass? Creepy.

Well that was quick

Only 4 plays into the Aaron Rodgers reign of the NY Jets and he is out for the game. Hopefully its not too serious. Wow. This sucks for Jets/Rodgers fans. I thought this was going to be their year.

We have Moved to

We are archiving and removing subscriptions on our Locals community effective April 30 2024 and all support will be via donation as inspired through our Medium in the Raw Community hosted through Mighty Networks. Our Locals page will remain as an archive to our past journey, but all community activity will be on

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Weekly live, upcoming spiritual classes and so much more! Just in case you missed our last live show with reads here is the link:

And so the spiritual journey continues! Love you!!!

Oh hi there

I'm still kicking. Still recovering from the broken ankle. I don't recommend breaking your ankle. Especially the right ankle. You might never take things like being able to drive for granted again. That said, I am making great recovery progress and hope to be able to ditch the crutches in a week or so. Fingers crossed. I get re-x rayed again this coming week to see how much weight that I will be allowed to put on it. Its been 8 weeks since the break and 5 weeks since the reconstruction surgery. I'm so ready to get my life back and feel productive again. Just updating everyone on how its going. Thanks for all of the positive thoughts. I appreciate it.

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Happy Easter

May the light of the Lord shine on you this blessed holiday and throughout the year.

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